
Global Warming Paragraph and Essay

Global warming is a serious environmental problem that is dangerous to our world and its people. As the Earth’s...

Price Hike Paragraph

Bangladesh is in the grip of a price-hike crisis, with inflation reaching a high. The proposed changes in duties and...

Dhaka Metro Rail Paragraph

Dhaka Metro Rail is a big infrastructure project in  Bangladesh. It’s changing the face of the...

Food Adulteration Paragraph and Composition

Food adulteration is a global problem and a big threat to our health and well-being. In Bangladesh, this practice of...


Write an application for setting up a science club

Application for setting up a science club Write an application for setting up a science club in...

Application for a Transfer Certificate

Application for a Transfer Certificate A proper transfer certificate application writing is quite an...

Application for a Study Tour

Application for a Study Tour for SSC and HSC Study tours are an integral part of extra-curricular...

Application for full free Studentship in School, College and University

Application for full free Studentship Here are some formats for Full Free Studentship application:...

Application for Leave of Absence

Applications for Leave of Absence in Schools, Colleges, and Universities Communication is a must for...

Write an application for Club Membership

Application for Club Membership There are 13 different types of clubs, such as Rotary, Business...

Application for opening a common room

Application for opening a common room There are some formats to write an application for opening a...